Handcraft and Eco-Friendly Bamboo products:
bamboo product are the best alternative to plastic today . Most of our products are Handcrafted by Rural artisans of India.
Bamboo is a tallest grass in a high of 130 feet , that bigger then some trees and today we are going to explore this tall grass in the small state of Tripura .There are 19 varieties available in India , out of those 17 come from Tripura.
There are more than 1500 different products all made from Bamboo . Bamboo Speaker , Bamboo bottles , Bamboo Pen stands, Bamboo table lamps, Bamboo handing lamps , and more others items are home Decoration product in Bamboo . Bamboo is a Amazing , it is Strong . It grows fast and Kills Bacteria . bamboo is a Amazing , it is strong! It grows fast and Kills Bacteria.

Existing Industry

There is a fairly well established which supplies finished products to handcraft emporia in the metropolitan cities This industry is distribution over several location in Tripura , Assam, Meghalaya, and Manipur, most of these emporia – type products are sole as curios Which are far removed from any functional context. Perhaps this factor has contributed to the degeneration in the aesthetic and structural quality standards of these products. An excessive preoccupation with decorative detail which has no reference to material properties or traditional from is also responsible for this decoration

Designed to perform and Bamboo Material

Bamboo is a collective term used to identify the culms (stems) of any a group embracing mant different kinds of grass like woody plants. The characteristics of Bamboo vary considerable from species to species. 4 mature plants are charactarised by rapid growth which generates long fibres in a
homogeneous structure . It can be used whole , split , or flattened into sheets for a great many structure application splits of various size can be obtained, and can even be twisted to from rope . Bamboo can also be pulped to product excellent paper and rayon. The northeastern region has an immense standing resource of bamboo .Distribution of species is liked to variations in terrain, altitude ,Rainfall, and soil composition to name only a few criteria.